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I just like movies that somehow expose the world in a way that is different than you imagine it.
I have always been an animal lover. I have grown up with dogs my whole life. I think that is what helped me get the role on Lassie', I was comfortable around the dog, where many of the kids were afraid or intimidated by Lassie.
Sometimes in movies, I still have to be the hero, but it is not all that important to me anymore.
Nobody makes movies bad on purpose.
Nobody makes movies bad on purpose.
I am in so many movies that are on TV at 2:00 a.m. that people think I am dead.
I have been really enjoying writing articles and writing music and music for movies.
I worked very hard on those movies but there was some creative connection that was not being made.
I can be in 20 movies. But I will never be an actor.
My dream role would probably be a psycho killer, because the whole thing I love about movies is that you get to do things you could never do in real life, and that would be my way of vicariously experiencing being a psycho killer. Also, it is incredibly romantic.
In life and in movies, it is a similar challenge, where you have expectations, and you end up in situations that are not meeting your expectations.
Sex is a doorway to something so powerful and mystical, but movies usually depict it in a completely flat way.
Right now, my job is that I am like an ambulance chaser. I have got to look for movies with white guys falling out of them.
Movies have takes. But plays are like life - you do not really get takes.
Dude, I did not say Jude Law can not act. I did not say Jude Law was in bad movies. I just said he is in every movie.
My movies are okay, but they are not my specials.
I am not bragging but my movies have grossed well over a billion dollars.
I am obsessed with zombies. I like watching zombie movies and I read zombie books.
Not only do I have to live, right, I have to get some cash for my troubles - it is a scary thing, and people need to start to think about the messages that they send in the movies.
Movies are like magic tricks.