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The legal system in Afghanistan is very immature and porous.

Lindsey Graham

The emphasis on the birth of Christ tends to polarize our pluralistic society and create legal and ethnic belligerence.

John Clayton

The Republican majority will stop at nothing to prevent access to the legal system for those who are hurt.

Joe Baca

Mr. Speaker, the fact of the matter is that the Ten Commandments are a historical document that contains moral, ethical, and legal truisms that any person of any religion or even an atheist can recognize and appreciate.

Cliff Stearns

Sadly, embryonic stem cell research is completely legal in this country and has been going on at universities and research facilities for years.

Mike Pence

I would like it to be a legal requirement for all businesses to be linked to a charity.

Arabella Weir

Driving at high speed where safe and legal is part of my life. As well as a higher top speed I wanted even better stability in my FX and that meant work on the aerodynamics.

Sebastian Vettel

We have used the presence of UNMIK, as well as other European and American agencies to establish a legal framework compatible with the European Union and that is already an advantage. We have seen the positive effects of this and our parliament will continue to go this way.

Ibrahim Rugova

Every neurosis is a primitive form of legal proceeding in which the accused carries on the prosecution, imposes judgment and executes the sentence: all to the end that someone else should not perform the same process.

Lionel Trilling

Farming with live animals is a 7 day a week, legal form of slavery.

George Segal

Torture is such a slippery slope as soon as you allow a society or any legal system to do that, almost instantly you get a situation where people are being tortured for very trivial reasons.

Iain Banks

I am coming out with my line of shoes and my very first shoe is called The Nethia. How we came up with the name is that my legal name is Linnethia and we shortened it.

NeNe Leakes

It is just called Continuing Legal Education. You can go to lectures, you can even listen to tapes on airplanes - they want you to stay current. So you do have to stay current to maintain your license even if you are not practicing.

Frank Shorter

The kingdom of God is an order of government established by divine authority. It is the only legal government that can exist in any part of the universe.

Orson Pratt

The advocates of abortion on demand falsely assume two things: that women must suffer if the lives of unborn children are legally protected and that women can only attain equality by having the legal option of destroying their innocent offspring in the womb.

Robert Casey

Legal abortion will never rest easy on this nation's conscience.

Robert Casey

Upon the Constitution, upon the pre-existing legal rights of the People, as understood in this country and in England, I have argued that this House is bound to revive the Petition under debate.

Caleb Cushing

I write in longhand on yellow legal pads.

Beverly Cleary

It is a sign of the times that the absence of meaningful ID requirements in many states leaves our voting process vulnerable to fraud and allows legal votes to be cancelled out by illegally cast ballots.

Virgil Goode

However saying that I totally support the concept of civil partnerships in the eyes of the law, and think it a disgrace that same sex couples have had to wait so long for legal rights, protection and recognition.

Adam Rickitt